Before anyone goes judging me that alcohol is week nine's ingredient, take a look at this-
I bet you're on board now huh? Growing up Aunt Denise always made the best chocolate cake and it only took me about 18 years to figure out the not-so-secret ingredient--Kahlua!

I've been craving this cake for months, and now that I'm old enough to go out and buy the main ingredient, it's finally happening. Meg's birthday is on Wednesday, but like any good birthday it has turned into "birthday week" AKA- family dinner on tonight, presents and breakfast on Wednesday, our first happy hour nachos on Thursday and then celebration with a bunch of friends on Friday.
With so much goodness it makes up for the gloomy, wet days we have been having- anyone else ready for spring? Or just skip to summer? So ready for baseball games, the lake, reading all day, sunshine, and the beach.