Monday, May 31, 2010
Home Cookin'
Home was absolutely wonderful, filled with lots of family, friends, food, sunshine, and time at the beach. Straight from the airport papa hill took me to In-n-out. Kinda typical and just as wonderful as I remembered it.

Apart from the food part of the week-I had a great time at home. I got to see my parents, all my best friends, Tay and my new brother in law, grandma and grandpa, and all my cute little cousins. It was so sunny and felt like summer. Only 10 more days until I'm free from school and all the stress that comes with it. Almost there!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Green Curry Night and Going Home
For the past few weeks I've been gearing up and gathering courage for green curry night. I threw a combination of spices I can't pronounce, coconut milk, eggplant, bok choy, tofu, onions, and peppers into the pot, crossed my fingers and walked away.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Zack's Famous Salsa
Kat's fiance Zack was in town a few weeks ago and introduced us to "Zack's famous salsa". Let me tell you- the finished product lives up to its name.

He borrowed our tupperware and returned it FULL to the brim of an amazing blend of cumin, tomatoes, onions, cilantro and garlic. All my favorite things! Kat learned the recipe and in turn taught me. I think it's a new fan favorite of the 204. Thanks Zack and Kat for the goodness, as promised, we have named it after you :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Barley, Mushrooms, Onions and Cousins.
Crock Pot meal # 4- Barley, Mushroom and Onion Soup
Last night Meg and I headed up to my wonderful cousins' house to share some soup and bread. I've loved having Joey in town living around the corner from Britt and Dan. I was so excited to cook dinner for them. The soup wasn't my favorite, but it was fun to have dinner with them, get some family time in and get to help out a little.

Note to self-Buy a crock-pot with a snap on lid as to not burn my roommate's leg again.
Next up-Tofu Eggplant Green Curry with homemade bread from the wonderful Matt Van D-if you reading this your officially invited :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
White Beans with Rosemary and Garlic
Lucky for me, our neighboring dorm grows rosemary, so I took a little stroll, slyly stole some rosemary and called it a victory. Who knows if sage and rosemary are similar enough to swap out, but I made an executive decision.
Three ingredients, four hours and almost no effort later-waa laa-white bean with rosemary and garlic.
Oh and the best part-about five cups of beans for under a dollar. Yes please.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My Favorite Chili
We had a bunch of friends over to share our massive pot of chili, catch up on life and take a break from the madness of the week. Thank to those of you who joined in on the experimental first-ever pot of chili.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Pesto Bread
Yesterday the wonderful Matt and I made some bread. He's been talking about it basically since we met, so it's been a long time coming. We jumped on the website that he had found and saw an overwhelming number of goodness staring back at us. Cinnamon Raisin Bread. Coconut Bread. Sweet Cinnamon Sticky Buns. Yes please. We settled on Pesto Bread, which in hindsight, there are no regrets.
Matt's a fellow food lover so it was fun to ohh and aww over the dough rising and the finished product together. I'm gonna go ahead and call it a victory :)
With love from la cucina bianca.
la cucina bianca
This blog exists to document the wonderful world inside of my little white kitchen.
I ordered a cookbook online the other day called "the gourmet vegetarian slow-cooker". When it came in the mail I did a little jig around the house, sat down to look through it and posted-noted most of the book as "must cooks" All the post notes looked a bit silly so I thought "why not just cook all of them?" So here it comes friends, the crock-pot marathon of indian, greek, italian, mexican, and thai food. Sort of a julie/julia type thing, minus the insane amount of butter, foods that I can't pronounce and fires in the kitchen (hopefully). Along with the one-pot wonders, I'm sure other experiments and events will scatter their way into writing. Most importantly, it's here as a way for me to show why I love food and cooking so much. It's a way to show hospitality and love for people around me. It's a way to make new friends, tell the already established ones that you love them, an excuse to hang out and a common bond.
Well, here is it- the long awaited (from me at least) blog about food and the love, friends, family, happiness, laughs, celebrations, joys, conversations and heartaches that come along with it in la cucina bianca....
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