I'm not gonna lie- chili has never been on my favorite things to eat list. Actually, up until tonight I don't think I've ever sat down and eaten a bowl of chili. Needless to say I've never felt inclined to make it. But this week I've been craving cornbread and like any good roommate, Megan has been craving cornbread's perfect complement- chili. It's part of the one-pot wonders challenge, which so far hasn't let me down.
We had a bunch of friends over to share our massive pot of chili, catch up on life and take a break from the madness of the week. Thank to those of you who joined in on the experimental first-ever pot of chili.

And what's chili and cornbread without Trevor's "homemade" brownies? Carefully documented at every step, baked to perfection and shared around a table of wonderful friends.
Just another night in the 204.
With love from la cucina bianca
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