I had to do a bit of googling, but turns out there is not a whole lot to tell about this squash. While the outside is an awesome lime green and begs to be eaten, the inside is slightly slimy and had absolutely zero taste. It falls into that catergory of "tastes like nothing" along with cucumbers, jicama, and water chestnuts.
So that's the chayote squash- not a lot to tell...
In other news, finals are over and things are about to change. I keep repeating "it's all gonna be ok" over and over and am trying to believe it. There are a lot of bittersweet feelings floating around. And while this huge suitcase is filling up, the reality still seems far off that I am not in school for 6 months, am moving home and have absolutely no idea what's going to happen.
Im scared, nervous, sad, and unsure. BUT the Lord is faithful. He's got a good, perfect plan for my life and I'm just gonna go ahead an trust that for now. So here we go, ready or not...
He has a great plan for you Katie! He has some awesome adventures for you!!