Monday, September 6, 2010

putting my skill to the test

So I have an interview for a cooking job at a bakery tomorrow. Talk about dream job! Here's the problem. She wants me to bring in a soup sample of soup I've made from scratch. Dream job just went from awesome to super intimidating in .05 seconds. I read her request and immediately my mind started spinning of recipes, doubts, and ideas. I looked through a couple recipe books and settled in the tried and true "look at the recipe books then do whatever I feel like" method.As tempted as I am to just rip off someone elses recipe, I want it to be my own and I want it to be good. I've settled on mushroom and wild rice soup with bell peppers, celery, carrots, onions, garlic and a ton of herbs. So here's hoping that I don't completely butcher the first soup that actually counts for something.

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