Well friends, it's finally time and I could not be more excited. Tomorrow I hop on a plane to Texas, where I will meet my parents and the rest of the team, hop on another plane to Honduras and start my work with Living Water International to bring a community clean water.

In a way, I feel like I have been preparing for this for years. Since going to Indonesia my heart has been stirring about clean water, nutrition and sanitation in other countries. While I was there I saw the value of their wells, how they provided life, and I also saw the complete neglect for any type of sanitation or nutrition. The end of Indo turned into the start of a huge waiting period in my life.
For the past three years I've been waiting. Waiting to make a difference. Waiting to feel well enough to leave town. Waiting to have the right opportunity. Waiting to use my education for some sort of good. I know without a doubt the Lord was teaching me through the wait. He was creating a deeper passion, a healthier person, a patience for the right timing, and a trusting heart.
So here I am. Not close to being packed, not completely healed, and definitely not ready. And yet, I'm trusting Him. I'm praying that this trip will be the start of something great. A start for the community we are going to and for a new stage in my life.
I feel like the wait is finally over and now all there is to do is trust and go.
If you have a minute (or 5) watch this video that explains what we're going to be doing. My eyes water up just looking at the children, I can't wait to meet them all. Also you're prayers would be greatly appreciated this week. For health, safety, the well building, and most importantly that our actions and words would reflect Christ and show His love to these people.

katie bear, i am soo excited for you!!! I love the part where you say you aren't ready, but you're trusting Him. Man, that's so true in life! Praise the Lord that He's faithful. I"ll be praying for you!!