Monday, January 3, 2011


I'm back. I'm back and feel as if I should have a clever reason for my months of silence and an even better reason for my return. I don't. I'm just back.

I love new years resolutions. The idea of starting fresh is what creates the motivation, but the satisfaction of completing the resolution in December is what makes it worth it. This year they seem to be coming left and right. Probably too many. But the ones that relate to this are as follows:

I am going to find a new food every week and cook with it. Something I've either never tried or never cooked. I think it'll be fun to try new foods and recipes, expand my "go-to foods", and branch out a little. These foods will be chronicled here, therefore creating another goal- to blog more.

Also, in the food category is my new desire to be a vegetarian. I'm not sure how long this is going to last-at least until spring break. I'm just gonna give it a try and see how I feel, how hard it is, and what I think. Being surrounded by the facts in class I feel guilty eating it and frankly don't really like meat that much. Eggs too.

So that, my friends, are a few of the resolutions relating to food. We'll see how it goes. Suggestions welcomed :)

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