This week I've taken on the task of creating a gluten-free, olive oil rosemary bread. I have in my head that amazing rosemary bread from Trader Joes, but with the slight alteration of no gluten. Note: If you've never experienced the rosemary bread from TJ's drop everything and go buy a loaf. You will not regret it.

Round one of this challenge went ok, it's kinda dense but the flavor is good. It's kinda like a science experiment, knowing what everything does then knowing how to practically put it all together to create something awesome.
Tomorrow will bring more yeast, new types of flour and hopefully a winning combination of ingredients good enough to send off to the cookbook :) I'm bound and determined.
I think its safe to say that Im keeping Bob's Red Mill in business...
In other news, this week's food of the week is a Pummelo. Has anyone ever tried this guy? Apparently it is the "gentle giant" cousin to grapefruit. I'm still working up the nerve to cut it open, but I'm sure it will be great.

love love love from the cucina
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