Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pesto Bread

Yesterday the wonderful Matt and I made some bread. He's been talking about it basically since we met, so it's been a long time coming. We jumped on the website that he had found and saw an overwhelming number of goodness staring back at us. Cinnamon Raisin Bread. Coconut Bread. Sweet Cinnamon Sticky Buns. Yes please. We settled on Pesto Bread, which in hindsight, there are no regrets.

Matt's a fellow food lover so it was fun to ohh and aww over the dough rising and the finished product together. I'm gonna go ahead and call it a victory :)

With love from la cucina bianca.

1 comment:

  1. here are my thoughts:
    1. you are so cute with your new blog. i love the idea. its very "you"
    2. what shirt/dress are you wearing??? it's adorable. you look beautiful
    3. gimme some of that bread
